Contacte amb El Xiprer

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La llar de criança El Xiprer es troba ubicada a Santa Maria de Palautordera, en un entorn privilegiat i cèntric, ideal per a les famílies. Estem envoltats d'espais que fomenten l'aprenentatge i el joc, com la Biblioteca Ferran Soldevila, el Parc Pau Casals i el Passeig del Reguissol que ens connecta de ple amb la natura.


Passeig Vitamènia 60, 08460 Santa maria de Palautordera


De dilluns a divendres de 9h a 15h

Si haguéssim de tornar a triar, triaríem la llar de criança el Xiprer sense cap dubte!


A bright, organized classroom with educational materials on the walls. There are colorful alphabet and number charts, a variety of shelves holding different toys, a small table with red chairs, an easel, and a vibrant blue rug featuring sports balls. The room has a welcoming and educational atmosphere.
A bright, organized classroom with educational materials on the walls. There are colorful alphabet and number charts, a variety of shelves holding different toys, a small table with red chairs, an easel, and a vibrant blue rug featuring sports balls. The room has a welcoming and educational atmosphere.
